Assessment of funding proposals received. Peer review. Review of the evolution of projects partnered by the Foundation. Setting of scientific criteria to be followed by the Foundation. Collaborating in conferences organised by the Foundation. Organisation. Brainstorming. Presentations. Cancer Research.
Scientific research goals 1. To provide the necessary resources to generate a suitable research environment. 2. Innovative, high-quality research with difficulty in obtaining the necessary funding: Translational Basic Epidemiological Clinical Patient care Therapeutic Drug development, new forms and alternatives. Diagnosis Prognosis Molecular bases Etiology Prevention 4. Collaboration with other innovative research development ideas.
CRIS Cancer Foundation for Training in Leading Overseas Centres The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology is a leading oncology organisation with 3,000 oncologist associates practicing in Spain. Each year, it organises a call for grants. One of these is financed by the CRIS Contra el Cancer Foundation, at a cost of 35,000 euros per year. The
The goal of the Foundation is to encourage quality research, within the following areas: Translational research, or research that has direct clinical applications, which purports to have research carried out in laboratories benefit the patient as quickly as possible. New therapies: these are usually new therapies which are not usually backed by the pharmaceutics industry.