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CRIS Out-Back Fellowship

CRIS Contra el Cáncer is keenly aware of the difficulty faced by clinicians and scientists who want to train themselves in the best international cancer research centers but keeping focus and interest in developing their research in Spain.

To help address this situation, since 2021, CRIS Contra el Cáncer Cancer has held an annual call for applications to the CRIS Out-Back Fellowship.The CRIS Out-Back Fellowship is an enabler to train outstanding scientists and medical doctors of any nationality who wish to train themselves abroad (in any country) and return to Spain. Once they return to Spain, they will be able to develop their cancer research career in Spanish research centers, hospitals or universities and become the future leaders of cancer research.

The CRIS Out-Back Fellowship provides competitive economic conditions and incentives for these doctors or experienced researcher to develop their training abroad and establish their career in Spain. At CRIS Contra el Cáncer we believe that in their career development, researchers should go beyond the traditional practical and scientific training programmes.

Hence, throughout this Fellowship, the awardees will have a training plan including: mentoring, essential skills and insights. This mix should prepare them to become the future leaders of cancer research.As part of our annual CRIS Out-Back Fellowship calls we award two research grants covering a maximum of 5-year stage fellowship for contracting scientists and clinical investigators to develop their training and research activity for:

  • Outgoing stage: a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 years abroad at any hospital in the world, research centre or university
  • Return stage: a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years at any research institution in Spain.
To help address this situation, since 2021, CRIS Contra el Cáncer Cancer has held an annual call for applications to the CRIS Out-Back Fellowship.The  (in any country) and return to Spain. Once they return to Spain, they will be able to develop their cancer research career in Spanish research centers, hospitals or universities and become the future leaders of cancer research.

The most relevant change in this call with respect to the CRIS Out-Back Fellowship calls of previous years are related to the salary.

At CRIS Contra el Cáncer we believe that in their career development, researchers should go beyond the traditional practical and scientific training programmes.

Hence, throughout this Fellowship, the awardees will have a training plan including: mentoring, essential skills and insights. This mix should prepare them to become the future leaders of cancer research. As part of our annual CRIS Out-Back Fellowship calls we award two research grants covering a stage fellowship for contracting scientists and clinical investigators to develop their training and research activity.

You can download a document explaining the application process here.
On 20th March we will host a webinar explaining how this programme works.
You can access this webinar here.

The terms and conditions have been updated to version 3 on February 21, 2025.
Resoluciones años anteriores
2024 - IV Convocatoria Programa CRIS Out-back
2023 - III Convocatoria Programa CRIS Out-back
2022 - II Convocatoria Programa CRIS Out-back
2021 - I Convocatoria Programa CRIS Out-back
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CRIS contra el cáncer     ●     La generación que cura el Cáncer     ●     Investigación para otra oportunidad     ●     CRIS contra el cáncer     ●     La generación que cura el Cáncer     ●     Investigación para otra oportunidad     ●     CRIS contra el cáncer     ●     La generación que cura el Cáncer     ●     Investigación para otra oportunidad     ●     CRIS contra el cáncer     ●     La generación que cura el Cáncer     ●     Investigación para otra oportunidad     ●