Principal Investigators: Dr Alberto Ocaña and Dr Atanasio Pandiella.
Centres: Albacete University Hospital Complex, CHUA and Cancer Research Centre (Centro de Investigación del Cáncer – CIC), Salamanca.
Timeline: 2015-2017
Ovarian cancer is the very frequent type of tumour in women. In fact, it represents the 6th most frequent tumour, and its incidence is increasing every year in Spain. It has a high mortality rate, as there are no early detection methods and it is usually diagnosed when it has already spread.
Project Description
The groups headed by Alberto Ocaña and Atanasio Pandiella in Salamanca collaborate in the search for new treatment alternatives for these tumours. Based on tumour samples, or on information taken from international databases, bioinformatics analyses are performed to search for patterns or specific genetic alterations that:
– Set a possible new therapeutic target.
– Explain resistance mechanisms to therapies used in clinical practice.
– Characterise the tumours of patients who respond to treatments and those who don’t.
– Define action mechanisms of new drugs under development, in order to accelerate their development and optimisation.
Once the bioinformatics analyses are performed, their results are checked and validated by means of laboratory experiments on cell lines and animals.
Achievements in the past year (different from previous year’s results)
The groups headed by Alberto Ocaña and Atanasio Pandiella have produced impressive results during the year. In the context of the search for new therapies, they have published two articles regarding Bet molecule inhibitors, which are very promising compounds in the treatment of several kinds tumours.
In the field of molecular research, they have published an article in Oncogene regarding metalloproteases (proteins which can alter the area where the tumour is growing and encourage growth).
This publication will be followed by another, expected for this year. Finally, in the context of the search for genetic signatures in tumours, two articles have been published in the field of breast cancer, regarding genetic signatures and prognosis, one in Oncotarget, and another in PlosOne. Read more